Gaining the Competitive Edge
Individual Business Development Coaching
Individual coaching is available to lawyers at all levels of experience who are committed to building self-sustaining, thriving law practices. The core one-on-one coaching program culminates in the creation of a detailed career plan tailored to the client’s market, practice area, sector, and firm culture.
Specialized Training
In addition to highly customized business development coaching, I offer specialized tutorials and other curricula, including the following custom programs:
Blended Group and Individual Coaching. Customized group and individual coaching. We meet as a group (in person or on Zoom) every two or three weeks, following a flexible curriculum focused on business development and the path to revenue generation (and, if applicable, equity partnership). Between meetings, I also meet individually with each group member to develop her, his or their business plan and address particular concerns.
Listening to the Web: Social Media Training and the Confidence of Knowledge. Individual and group hands-on social media training, for lawyers interested in learning how to use social media and other essential internet tools to gather and deploy knowledge and news of value to clients and colleagues, build client relationships, enhance traditional in-person self-promotion, and develop business. Most popular: LinkedIn for the Reluctant Lawyer. Learn more
Business and Finance Skills Training
I consult to law firm professional development, business development, and marketing directors interested in offering business and finance skills training, including hands-on application via case studies and guided written exercises derived from corporate and litigation practice.
In 2015, I partnered with Matt Rubins, a successful venture capitalist, angel investor, and education entrepreneur, to develop a one-of-a-kind business education program based on their belief that the best way to become a true “trusted advisor” is to understand the client’s business.

Orrick Finance Skills Program (Matt to the right)
The program is centered on a single complex case study that guides participating lawyers through the life of an acquisition and its debt financing (from term sheet to earnout dispute), requiring them to apply the finance business strategies and valuation concepts they learn from Matt to the interpretation, negotiation, and amendment of legal documents.
This approach assures that participating lawyers will fully comprehend the critical role of business fluency in delivering superior legal work and building profitable client relationships. (As an example: Matt and I have conducted the program in both New York and San Francisco for Orrick‘s multi-office Senior Associates Academy, a program managed by Simon Colley at TrustLabs.)